Recent changes to improve the appearance of the " hose fittings make the appearance of the new fittings slightly different from earlier ones. Current inventory may be mixed between old and new style, but this will not cause any issues. Both fitting styles can continue to be used with no changes to the crimp specifications.
- Package Qty: : 10
- (sold in 10s)
- Dim A (1) : 0.250", 0.250"
- Dim B (2) : 2.125"
- Dim C (3) : 1.065"
- Dim D (4) : 11/16"
- Replaces : 10143-6-4
- Thread : 3/8 x 18
- Sections and Models:
- Hydraulic Parts > Crimp-On Fittings
- HW Series NPTF Pipe: Male, Rigid, Straight
- mega-cross:
- Replaces: : 10143-6-4 : MISCELLANEOUS
- Crossed From: : WH04U-106 : A & I MEGA-CROSS
- 42-0120 : FARM OYL
- 4796-21396 : JOHN DAY
- Machine Types : NPTF Pipe
- Makes : HW Series
- Models : Male, Rigid, Straight
- Models :