- Package Qty: : 5
- (sold in 5s)
- Straight Clamp
- Sections and Models:
- Ignition & Electrical Parts > Battery Cables and Terminals
- (Miscellaneous) (Undefined): SEVERAL
- mega-cross:
- Replaces: : A-26A4020N : MISCELLANEOUS
- Crossed From: : 4020-005N : A & I MEGA-CROSS
- 406320-005N : A & I MEGA-CROSS
- 406320N : A & I MEGA-CROSS
- 406320005N : A & I MEGA-CROSS
- 5192-22392 : JOHN DAY
- 753-4020005N : A & I MEGA-CROSS
- Machine Types : (Undefined)
- Makes : (Miscellaneous)
- Models : Several
- Models :