- 6 point star center hole.
- Sections and Models:
- Sunbelt - Rider & Walk-behind Parts > Spindles
- MTD/ Cub Cadet/ White RIDING MOWER: 600 SERIES (LH for models with 46" decks.)
- MTD/ Cub Cadet/ White RIDING MOWER: 800 SERIES (LH for models with 46" decks.)
- mega-cross:
- Crossed From: : 285-112 : STENS
- 285112 : STENS
- 618-0241 : MTD/CUB CADET
- 618-0431 : MTD/CUB CADET
- 82-516 : OREGON
- 82516 : OREGON
- 918-0241 : MTD/CUB CADET
- 918-0431 : MTD/CUB CADET
- 9287 : ROTARY
- Machine Types : Riding Mower
- Makes : MTD/ Cub Cadet/ White
- Models : 800 Series, 600 Series
- Models :